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hands-image Become a member of  Ann Arbor's  OFFICIAL community internet radio station fanclub.  Stay in touch with the great things that are Ann Arbor and be a part of it at the same time!                               Back to Support Page             

Membership options:

     Yearly Member:  Stay atuned to what's happening in Ann Arbor by becoming a
member and receiving our newsletter, updates to the web portal and special

      One Year Membership:  $35  
                              (tax  deductale)                                

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                Lifetime Member:  Make a statement that you want to see things change! 
          Join the AnnArborAlive community and be a part of
what's ahead! and receive 2 cool
          AnnArborAlive Tshirts!!

Lifetime Membership:   $120
(tax  deductale)   

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         Make a one-time donation to the culture of the city that everyone loves!

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